Through a partnership with HOSA, a national student organization of future healthcare professionals, MassAHEC brings new career exploration opportunities to students across the state.
In small learning communities in high schools and colleges, students form “chapters” with the guidance of an adult advisor, and develop the skills and leadership qualities needed of health professionals.
Together, they develop an annual work plan based on student interests and community needs, acquire hands-on experiences through guest speakers, job shadowing, service activities, and simulation practice.
Local chapters include:
- Springfield Technical Community College
- Holyoke Community College
- High School of Science and Technology
- Pioneer Valley AHEC
Chapter activities:
- UMMS/MassAHEC collaborated with the School of Public Health at UMass Amherst, to arrange for HOSA students at the High School of Science & Technology, and the Pioneer Valley Area Health Education Center (AHEC) to attend a workforce development/internship fair on campus in September.
- The Holyoke Community College and Springfield Technical Community College HOSA chapters are teaming up and collaborating with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England, at UMMS, on community service learning initiatives.
- All HOSA students in Western MA will participate in lab-based patient simulations, hosted by Holyoke and Springfield Technical Community Colleges.
- PV AHEC and High School of Science & Technology are each dedicating time and resources to raise awareness of teen tobacco use and share their knowledge gains publically.
Since 2010, MassAHEC has hosted the HOSA State Leadership Conference, on the campus of UMMS. It offers students an opportunity to demonstrate their healthcare skills and knowledge, and teamwork through HOSA’s Competitive Events program. Students also participate in hands-on clinical activities, network with professionals in the signature Speed Networking with Health Professionals venue, participate in leadership seminars, and engage in fast-paced, game-style events.
The MassAHEC Network is a program of the University of the Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), the state’s public medical school committed to serving the needs of the residents of the Commonwealth. MassAHEC’s mission is to reduce health disparities by enhancing the skills and increasing the diversity of the healthcare workforce.
The US Department of Education endorses HOSA, and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education provides partial funding to our state affiliate- MassAHEC HOSA.