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Western MA Fast Facts

Hampden County

  • Entry Level Salary:$17/hour
  • Experienced Salary:$27/hour

Hampshire Franklin Counties

  • Entry Level Salary: no available data
  • Experienced Salary:no available data
  • Education Needed: Associate’s Degree
  • Learn more at

Occupational Employment and Wages Statistics, May 2018, EOLWD

Medical Lab Technicians

Medical lab technicians perform routine medical tests for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.

The role of medical lab technicians (MLTs) is evolving as technology such as genetic testing advances. With an aging workforce, it is also anticipated that there will be an increasing number of Western Massachusetts job openings in the coming years.

Medical lab technicians perform routine medical tests for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.

MLTs have many similar responsibilities to medical technologists, however because technologists have more education they perform more complex tests and are more likely to advance to lab management positions.

Medical lab technicians:

  • Use high technology equipment to test and diagnose patients
  • Use skilled manual techniques to examine and analyze standard, complex and specialized medical tests

Employment opportunities include:

Education and training requirements

A two-year associate’s degree is required to become a medical lab technician.  MLTs must also pass a certification exam.  MLTs frequently return to school to obtain their bachelors degree in order to advance to the role of medical technologists.  Please see the American Society for Clinical Pathology overview for more information about lab pathways.

Laboratory technicians and technologists are also expected to have:

  • Up-to-date knowledge of laboratory technology
  • Training in chemistry, biology, mathematics and statistics
  • Good communication skills
  • Work well in teams

MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board

1441 Main Street, First Floor
Springfield, MA 01103

The MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program, auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities, Verizon Telephone Relay Service: TDD/TTY: 1-800-439-2370 Voice: 1-800-439-0183